Conscious Eating isn't just another diet!

conscious eating essentials summer dinner party

When you just can't face another diet and yet you know things have to change...

conscious eating essentials friends enjoying summer meal

It’s hard to know what to do when you’ve tried every diet and you just can’t face another one.

They all sound promising in the beginning and you start off feeling like this just might be the one that you can stick with. You’re looking to change the way deal with food so you don’t have to think about it so much.

You want to stop being swept away by emotion and landing in front of the fridge…again!

Complicated systems just don't work!

conscious eating essentials enjoy food
"The daily tracker helps me stay on track with what's working and what's bothering me so I can do something else than binge."
Conscious Eating Essentials Student

Conscious Eating Essentials is here to help with:

  • 10 Essential Conscious Eating concepts that stop emotional eating
  • 30 page downloadable booklet filled with sort answer questions, journal prompts and intention planner
  • 10 additional worksheets & resources to help you clarify your goals, solutions for cravings, daily trackers and more
  • 24/7 access at your fingertips to all of the information for support and guidance
conscious eating stops emotional eating binge eating and stress eating
"Your encouragement is so helpful"
Conscious Eating Essentials Student

Questions to ask yourself...

Do you want real freedom the stress of emotional eating?

Conscious Eating helps you to develop the skills and tools to know what you need each and everyday.

Do you want a sustainable way to live where food isn’t the most important thing you think about?

Conscious Eating helps you identify between a needs that don’t have to do with physical hunger vs. listening to your body and taking care of whole self.

Do you want real health without the need to check the scale?

conscious eating essentials couple enjoying time together

Conscious Eating gives you the tools to live your life focused on your health from the inside out!

"The focus on relationship with myself is so much more helpful than a diet"
Conscious Eating Essentials Student

For the past 20+ years as a therapist I’ve worked with 100s of people to stop emotional and binge eating and transform their relationships with food.

I grew up in the greater Los Angeles area and experienced a lifestyle that feasted on beauty, fame and fortune. I know firsthand that trying to conform to someone else’s idea of who and what you should be will never work. More importantly, I learned that beauty is grounded in the strength of living your life from your core; mind, body and heart.

I founded to help you do that!

Frequently Asked Questions:

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have access for the lifetime of the course! After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 15 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get your copy today and become a Conscious Eater for life!

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